Arada has announced the launch of Safa, a residential apartment complex in Sharjah’s Aljada community, at the Sharjah Property Show (Acres 2025), which is being held at Expo Centre Sharjah from 22 to 25 January. The five-building complex will feature 660 residential units featuring contemporary designs, integrated amenities and proximity to major sporting facilities.
Arada has started selling residential units in Safa, with a range of options including one- to three-bedroom apartments, all of which feature smart home features and appliances. Owners will also benefit from an indoor gym and a shared swimming pool.
Residents of Safa enjoy the community’s prime location on West Boulevard, the new commercial street that will provide a green walkway with retail and dining outlets, and are just a two-minute walk from Raffles Aljada, an international school that follows the American curriculum and will accommodate 2,000 students, and is scheduled to open in 2026.
Ahmed Alkhoshaibi, Group CEO of Arada, said: “Safa is a very special location within the Aljada masterplan, offering a fantastic range of amenities just a few minutes’ walk away. With over 10,000 homes sold in Aljada to date, this unique destination has become a new benchmark for modern living in the UAE. We look forward to delivering 1,400 new homes in Aljada this year.”